Providing Professional Expertise and Leadership to Enhance Regional Opportunities
SRDC works in partnership with local, state and federal agencies to provide planning, guidance, technical assistance and services to the region. We’re passionate about partnering with communities, organizations, community groups, regional stakeholders, and local leadership to create vibrant, attractive, and resilient communities, and we do this through providing individualized community and economic development services.

Technical Assistance Services
SRDC offers a wide range of Technical Assistance services, including, but not limited to:
Federal EDA Planning & Grant Packaging
Economic Resiliency Planning
Workforce Development Collaboration
Grant Research
Project Management
Community Engagement/Visioning
Strategic Planning
Business Marketing & Communications Training and Planning
Mapping Services
Policy Development & Advocacy
SRDC can also assist units of government, non-profits, and organizations within the region with finance administration. SRDC financial services allow these transactions to be included within our annual audit.
SRDC is here to help strengthen your community!
SRDC offers a vast list of services to assist with your needs. Contact us if you are interested in working with SRDC on your project.