Regional Trails Planning

Regional Vision of Trail Networks in Southwest Minnesota

In Fall 2022, SRDC began a two-year process to create a Regional Trails Plan in the nine-counties of Southwest Minnesota. The goal of the Regional Trails Planning effort is to establish a shared, regional vision of trail networks in Southwest Minnesota that leverages local trail group success on a regional level and helps to promote and increase outdoor tourism and recreation opportunities within the region. We hope to achieve this vision by working with partners and trail supporters throughout the planning process.

Trail Planning Parternships

A more robust and holistic approach to trail development in the region can help our trails increase local, regional, state, and legislative support, and increase access to funding resources.

What Will this Planning Effort Achieve?

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    Increased cooperation and coordination between trails efforts.

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    Bring key groups together to create a shared vision of trails networks in Southwest Minnesota and connections within the tri-state area.

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    Create connected networks.

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    Promote and increase trail usage and tourism in Southwest Minnesota.

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    Help to make trail projects more competitive for funding opportunities.

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    Highlight trail successes on a regional level.

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    Develop trail prioritization on a regional scale.

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    Develop partnerships and collaboration between trails local trails groups and key partners.


SRDC established a regional trails plan workgroup to ensure that the plan is inclusive, comprehensive, and holistic. The workgroup meets quarterly to help lead the planning efforts and to help bring awareness to the unique experiences and places that make Southwest Minnesota a destination.

Friends of the Casey Jones State Trail Planning

Workgroup members represent:

Boy Riding Bike on Casey Jones State Trail

Funding Partners

Regional Trails Planning efforts are supported through an EDA Travel, Tourism, and Outdoor Recreation Program grant and through local partnership with Cottonwood, Jackson, Lincoln, Lyon, Murray, Nobles, Pipestone, and Rock Counties and the cities of Wabasso, Lamberton, Walnut Grove, and Revere.

Interested in working on regional trails planning efforts?

SRDC is looking for trails advocates to become workgroup members. Contact us for more information.

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